BeautyByAshleyDinh requires a booking fee/retainer to be placed upon booking for ALL appointments.
--LASH FILLS-- (price can be found in book online section)
Falsies | $15-20 Girls Night Out (strip lash)
Note: children under 16 may not be present at the appointment
Lash Shedding
The average person has between 90-120 natural lashes per upper eyelid. Each eye will naturally shed 2-5 per day In 1 week you will lose 21 In 2 weeks you will lose 42 in 3 weeks you will lose 63
Note: Please arrive to your appointment with clean eye, no eyeliner, mascara, eye cream or shadow.
Q: How long does the eyelash application procedure take?
A: The application for a full set can be anywhere from an 2-2.5 hour. For a fill it can be anywhere from 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes..
​Q: What do I need to do to prepare for my appointment?
A: Come to your appointment wearing no eye makeup and DO NOT curl, tint, or perm your lashes. Please come 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment to fill out the proper paperwork.
Q: How long do the eyelash extensions last?
A: They can last anywhere from 2-4 weeks for your first set depending on how well you care for them. For more regular clients they can last up to 3-7 weeks once being properly cared for. This completely also depends on your lashes life cycle.
Q: What do I do once the eyelash extensions begin to fall out?
A: You can either come in to receive a fill for the extensions that are missing or receive a removal.
Q: Do the eyelash extensions damage my lashes?
A: No, of course not! Eyelashes have their own shedding life cycle similar to your eyebrows and the hairs on your head. So do not be alarmed if a few natural lashes fall out along with the extensions.
Q: How often are infills or touch-ups recommended?
A: Recommend getting a touch-up every 2-3 weeks. If you wait too long for a touch-up, you will have too much loss and require a full set. Touch-ups are required to replenish any lashes that have fallen out due to the completion of their life cycle.
Q: What if I wear contact lenses? Can I still get eyelash extensions?
A: Wearing contacts does not affect your lash extensions in any way. If you cannot comfortably keep your eyes closed with your contacts in for the duration of the eyelash extension application (2 hours for full sets, 1-1.5 hours for touch-ups), then we recommend you remove your contact lenses before your visit.
Q: Can I still wear mascara with eyelash extensions?
A: Even though it is not recommended or required since the extensions already give you the illusion of mascara, it can still be worn. However, it must be water-based mascara. Oil-based or waterproof mascara can dissolve the bonding agent and shorten the life of your lash extensions, causing them to fall out sooner. Also, extra care needs to be taken when washing off mascara.
Q: Can I still swim , shower, exercise, or go to the spa while wearing eyelash extensions?
A: Yes! The bonding agent I use is waterproof and allows all of these activities, 2 hours after application.
Be sure to not pick at, pull or play with your lashes to ensure a longer life of the extensions.
*Use a loose makeup brush with oil free makeup remover to remove eye makeup.
*Apply eye cream sparingly to the eye area without touching the lash line.
*Use a face cloth to wash your face, avoiding wetting the lashes.
*Gently pat the lashes dry after washing the face.
*When your lashes become crooked or tangled use a clean mascara wand to brush through your lashes gently. The best time is after showering and let them dry in position.
*Clean your lashes everyday with a eyelash wash or eyelash shampoo.
*DO NOT wear mascara, curl, or tug at your lashes.
*DO NOT perm your lashes before or after your eyelash application.
*When sleeping, don’t place your face in your pillow and don’t wear an eye mask unless the eye mask is specifically for eyelash extensions.
*DO NOT rub your eyes
*When showering, don’t face the shower head and tilt your head backwards.
Make a second appointment for your lash fill within 2-3 weeks to insure your eyelash extensions remain full and straight.

For more photos:
Instagram: @beautybyashleydinh
Facebook: @beautybyashleydinh
Want longer, more curled lashes but don't want to get lash extensions? The best route is a lash lift! A lash lift gives you the look of curling your lashes with a lash curler but does it without damaging your natural lashes with a curler. You will have longer looking lashes without the harsh use of a curler! Also add a tint to make them look darker! Book your appointments now.

Only Takes 20 Minutes
Lasts 4 to 6 weeks
Natural Alternative to Mascara
Can be Worn Alone or Use With Mascara to Enhance Effect
Lifts your Natural Lashes with Silicone Rods and Lifting Lotion
Suitable for Short or Long eyelashes
No glue, fumes, no Artificial Lashes
Add Eyelash Tinting to Create Dark Dramatic Effect
Beautifully lifts and straightens the curliest lashes
Swim, Shower and Play with no Fuss
Minimal Aftercare ... Just Wake up and Go
The great thing about a Lash Lift is that it is a very low maintenance procedure however, there is a little extra care required over the first 24-48hrs.
Be gentle with your lashes; no rubbing.
Do not get your lashes wet for the first 24 hrs.
Do not use harsh products on your eyes/lashes.
Use of Sauna/Steam is possible after 24hrs but may weaken the effect of the lift.
No eye make up for 24 hours.
Avoid waterproof mascara’s.
Swimming should be avoided for at least 24hrs.
No other facial beauty treatments for 24hrs.